read to grow



applicationsThere is a number of small-scale European based organizations that we have supported for several years with the books that we collect.  This has many advantages, both for us and for the projects we support.

Because of the small scale there is a direct and personal contact between the organization in Europe and the project in the developing country. Therefore the cooperation is clear and we have a good idea about what is happening with the books that have been donated by Read to Grow.

We therefore ask projects always to send feedback after the arrival of the books in the form of a letter, photographs and film material. In this way we can be sure that the books have arrived and are used correctly.

In many cases Read to Grow tries to build a long-term cooperation with the organizations participating in our scheme. When a first shipment of books arrived in a pleasant manner and in accordance with the agreements, we can make further agreements on new shipments of books. There are several organizations which receive books almost every year.

Would you like to receive books for your project?

Both existing organizations and potential new participants can apply for books. It is important to identify which categories of books your project needs.
Click here for the different categories >>

Application form

You can apply through our application form.
Click here for the application form >>